JFEST 2020 Cancelled


It is with much disappointment and sadness that the Japan-America Society of Houston (JASH) announces the cancellation of the 27th Annual Japan Festival Houston.

Out of an interest for public health and safety in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and taking into account the uncertainty of whether the high caseload of viral infections in Houston can be brought under control in time for a festival that in past years has been attended by between 25,000 and 30,000 individuals, the decision was reached to avoid the scheduling of a large in-person event during early fall.

“As much as we have looked forward to the Festival serving as the kickoff in Houston of the celebration of the 2020 Japanese Summer Olympics, we feel it essential that we do our part to curb the spread of COVVD-19. The safety and well-being of our community remains our top priority.”

– Laird Doran, President of Japan-America Society of Houston

With the Tokyo 2020 Olympics now rescheduled for July 2021, Japan-America Society of Houston is looking forward to the return of Japan Festival Houston in the spring of 2021 with an event highlighting Tokyo.






City of Houston Mayor and Council Members Sign Anti-Hate Letter


“We appreciate Mayor Turner, Council Member Kamin, and all of Houston’s City Council for taking the time to condemn coronavirus-related hate and promote respect for all Houstonians.”

-ADL Southwest Regional Director Mark Toubin

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner and members of Houston’s City Council signed a letter denouncing hate and the disproportionate impact of Coronavirus, while calling on all residents to treat each other with respect.

The letter was introduced by Council Member Kamin and was prompted by a rise in anti-Asian hate, antisemitism, racism and discrimination across the country. It notes that hate incidents and crimes are rising as the Asian and Pacific Islander community, Jews, Muslims and immigrants are being blamed for the outbreak and spread of COVID-19 and draws attention to the disproportionate impact of the virus on marginalized communities. It also highlights that COVID-19 is a health issue, not a racial, religious or ethnic one, and stigmatizing specific communities for the disease creates an inexcusable risk to all community members.

The letter denounces antisemitism, anti-Asian bigotry, and hateful rhetoric against the Asian and Pacific Islander, Jewish immigrant and other communities, and affirms the city’s commitment to the safety and well-being of all community members and to curbing hateful acts. It also encourages people to report incidents to the proper authorities and agencies for investigation.

JETRO Completes Fifth Survey Exploring COVID-19's Impact on Japanese Companies in the US


The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) has completed a new survey exploring the impact of COVID-19 on Japanese companies doing business in the United States.

The fifth survey in the series was conducted between June 26th and July 1st, with 961 companies responding.

JETRO Houston has produced a video summarizing the survey results. Special attention was given to the effects of the Presidential Proclamation on Non-Immigrant Visas on Japanese companies in the United States.

As JETRO Houston Chief Executive Director Masahiro Sakurauchi notes:

Japanese expatriates will continue working together with Americans and hope that [the] business environment continues to be friendly to creating new goods, services, and innovation.

For additional COVID-19 related business information in Japanese, please visit the JETRO Worldwide information portal or the JETRO North America information portal.

For inquiries to JETRO Houston, email inqu-hou@jetro.go.jp

Tanabata at MECA Houston Camp a Success

JASH is always pleased to work with Michael Martin and our friends at Houston Kendama Meetup, and this past July 7th was no exception.

Our latest collaboration brought the Japanese Star Festival Tanabata traditions to life at MECA Houston’s Sunburst Arts Summer Camp.

Camp participants were able to learn about the Tababata legend, create traditional decorations and art, and write paper wishes.

“So many wishes, hopes, and dreams. Some small, some big. But they all represent our want for a better and fuller life.”


See some of the children’s wishes below:

Images provided Michael Martin and Houston Kendama Meetup

"Born With It" Film Screening & Panel Discussion about being Black in Japan

Image provided by Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour Jr.

Image provided by Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour Jr.

“The tragic or highly romanticized single-story narratives about Black Japanese people are dangerous because they deny us the wonderful range of who we can be.”

-Dr. Mitzi Uehara Carter

JASH and Japan Society in New York came together on June 25th for a live screening and panel discussion of the short film, Born With It.

The film tells the story of a half Japanese half Ghanian boy on his first day of school in a small Japanese town, while he tries to prove to his new classmates that his dark skin is not a disease.

Director Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour Jr., author and activist Baye Mcneil, author, singer/songwriter Michael Yano, and cultural anthropologist and writer Dr. Mitzi Uehara Carter followed the screening with a meaningful conversation on race and racism.



(click on the options below to view the resource)


(click on the options below to view the resource)


WEBSITE: https://www.emmanuelok.com/

Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour, Jr.

Emmanuel is an award-winning writer-director born and raised in Houston, Texas.  He started his career in Japan where he developed a passion for telling authentic, sensitive human-centered stories.

His films have screened and won awards at over 50 film festivals internationally including Cannes, Toronto, Palm Springs, the NBC Short Film Festival, Pan African Film Festival, and more.  As a commercial director, his work for brands such as Mitsubishi, Phillips 66 and Tenaris has garnered 6 Addy Awards. 

He received his B.A. in Film Studies from Stanford University and completed his Masters of Fine Arts in Film at NYU's Tisch School of the Arts.  Emmanuel is a Disney-ABC TV Directing Program alumnus and is currently finishing up his first feature film produced by Amazon Studios.


WEBSITE: https://www.bayemcneil.com/

EMAIL: baye@bayemcneil.com

TWITTER: @bayemcneil

INSTAGRAM: @locohama

Baye McNeil

Baye is an author, columnist and activist from Brooklyn, NY, who moved to Japan in 2004.  

He is the author of two critically-acclaimed books on life in Japan: “Hi! My Name is Loco and I am a Racist” and “Loco in Yokohama”. His monthly column, “Black Eye”, featured in The Japan Times, raises awareness of issues related to “blackness” in Japan.  

In 2015, Baye spearheaded a successful campaign against the airing of a blackface minstrel show on Japanese TV. His activism in Japan has garnered global attention, featured on the BBC, in The New York Times, Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, etc.  

He also conducts workshops and seminars at companies and universities across the country on human rights and race issues, in his continuing effort to help Japan achieve its desired and inevitable goal of greater inclusiveness and diversity.


Michael Yano

Michael Yano is one-third of the vocal unit The Yano Brothers.

Melding Japanese lyrics with a lively African rhythm, the trio of brothers of Ghanaian and Japanese descent is known for creating “Jafrican” music born of a fusion of genres.

Identified by Mainichi News as the face of a changing Japan in the “Heisei Transformation,” the Yano Brothers have embraced their role by turning their experiences with prejudice and racism into songs.

The brothers were born in a small village in Ghana to a Ghanaian mother and a Japanese father.  Their father, an architect, was in Ghana to build the Noguchi Hideo Memorial when he met their mother.  After spending 6 years in Ghana, they moved to Tokyo.  However, due to difficulties adjusting to their new life in Japan, the Yano parents divorced, and the boys spent the next 8 years in orphanage school.

Eldest brother Michael became a pioneer in the sport of soccer as the first Japanese professional soccer J-League player with African roots. Following an early retirement and a career in professional mixed martial arts limited by health issues, Michael turned to music.  He quickly rose to fame upon winning TV Tokyo’s first ever “RYUHA-R” (流派-R) Battle. Since, the rapper, singer and songwriter has been featured in songs by Aki Yashiro (矢代亜紀) and MAX, and has written songs for Hiroshi Tamaki (玉木宏), Maki Goto (後藤真希), Korean Boy Bands 2PM and U KISS, sports celebrities, tv dramas and more.


TWITTER: @gritsnsushi

Mitzi Uehara Carter, Ph.D.

Dr. Mitzi Uehara Carter is a Cultural Anthropologist and freelance writer.

A committed advocate of social justice work, Uehara Carter enjoys applying her academic knowledge to real life issues, particularly in the field of social change.

Uehara Carter served as a Fellow at the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science and conducted extensive research and field work collecting personal stories of Okinawan families.  Her work on ethnographic methodology and mixed-race Okinawans has been published in numerous books and journals.  She also contributed to the documentary Nuchi Du Takara: Tales of the “Battle of Okinawa” Survivors in California

Uehara Carter received her B.A. in Cultural Anthropology from Duke University and her M.A. and Ph.D. in Anthropology from UC Berkeley.  

She currently teaches East Asian Studies and Anthropology in at Florida International University. Uehara Carter also serves as an executive board member of Hapa Japan, an organization based at the University of Southern California.

JETRO: COVID-19's Continued Impact on Japanese Companies in the United States


The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) has continued to conduct surveys of Japanese companies doing business in the United States to examine the impact of COVID-19.

The fourth survey in the series was conducted between May 27th and June 1st, with 834 companies responding.

JETRO’s Houston office has produced a video summarizing the survey results, including how they compare to the previous survey.

As JETRO Houston Chief Executive Director Masahiro Sakurauchi notes:

According to the results of today’s survey, it looks as though some companies are using the coronavirus as an opportunity to further expand supply and production in the United States more than ever before. Japanese companies are increasing their activities in the United States and we at JETRO Houston anticipate that they will contribute to America's employment and economic recovery.

For additional COVID-19 related business information in Japanese, please visit the JETRO Worldwide information portal or the JETRO North America information portal.

For inquiries to JETRO Houston, email inqu-hou@jetro.go.jp

Texas Radio Taiso Challenge

On Saturday, June 13, 87 people from across Texas, the U.S., Japan, and Peru came together to enjoy and experience Japan’s most popular morning exercise routine, Radio Taiso.

The Texas Radio Taiso Challenge was co-hosted by the Japan-America Society of Houston (JASH), the Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth (JASDFW), and the Japan-America Society of Greater Austin (JASGA).

Special guests who welcomed all the participants included the Consul-General of Japan in Houston, The Honorable Hideo Fukushima, Wataru Ito from Cirque du Soleil, and Sam Windsor and Taylor Howden of the Houston SaberCats professional rugby team.

[Radio Taiso] is good for [your] health. It’s easy, efficient, effective…

-Consul-General Hideo Fukushima

Former NHK Radio Taiso instructor Arisa Oshimi lead everyone through the thirteen movements that constitute the exercise. Under her guidance, all participants were able to enjoy learning this nearly 100 year old historic physical routine. While not extremely strenuous, Radio Taiso exercise is designed to be a full body workout.

[It] was awesome and a great way to stretch your body and get the heart rate up a little bit and feel really good.

-Taylor Howden, Houston SaberCats

With COVID-19 limiting our activities and keeping us apart from friends and coworkers, we are delighted that the Texas Radio Taiso Challenge was able to promote community, togetherness and good health through physical activity.

We wish you continued health and wellness.


In the spirit of promoting meaningful understanding

In the spirit of promoting meaningful understanding, we share a useful resource that explains in #日本語 the background of the protests taking place in the U.S.

It is our hope that this essay, respectfully written by a Japanese businessman living in Los Angeles, California, will help facilitate informed conversation as communities and corporations bring people together to discuss the issues of injustice.

Quoting the author, Tetsuro Miyatake:


Statement on the Death of George Floyd


Japan-America Society of Houston joins Houstonians and citizens across America in reflection during this time of tremendous pain, frustration, and sadness. The senseless killing of George Floyd and others in the African American Community has laid bare the greater need for unification as people from all walks of life try to move forward together for a more diverse, inclusive, equitable, and just society.

Friendship, mutual respect, and meaningful understanding – these are the principles upon which the Japan-America Society of Houston was founded, and we renew our commitment to embracing diversity, promoting exchange across cultures, and making our communities stronger. Houston has proven there is hope when we unite in empathy and compassion, and we will work to contribute to this unity by encouraging continued people-to-people connections and community-to-community engagement.


友情、相互尊重、真の理解–これらはヒューストン日米協会の設立時からの理念です。そして、多様性を受け入れ、文化交流を促進し、コミュニティーの絆をより強くする、という私達の活動目標を再確認しています。 ヒューストンは共感と思いやりを持ち団結することで、人々に希望があることを示しました。そして私達は、人と人、コミュニティーとコミュニティーの絆をより強く深くできるよう、今後も活動を通じて貢献していきます。

Free Japanese Classes for Children of Frontline Workers


Through a collaboration with Japan Society of New York (JSNY), JASH is pleased to share with Houston an offer for FREE Japanese language classes to high school students, ages 15-18, whose parents are on the front lines of the COVID-19 outbreak through law enforcement, public safety, health care, emergency services, transportation, or similar essential work.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude and support to all frontline workers!


Geared towards fans of Japanese animation, the classes will focus on the popular  series “My Hero Academia” as the medium to introduce students to basic Japanese vocabulary, elementary conversation, and simple sentence structures.  Prior Japanese language experience is not required for participation.

The classes will be conducted online via Zoom. To participate, participants will need access to a device with internet, microphone, and camera


Mondays, from June 1 - August 3 (10 classes)

3:00-4:30 PM (CDT)


Ms. Yuko Aizawa has taught at the Sendagaya Japanese Institute in Tokyo, Japan and at the Royal Hawaiian Academy in the United States.  She has been an instructor at the Language Center since 1994. 


To register, please email us at language@japansociety.org with the following information:

1.       Student name (first and last)

2.       Student’s age and grade (completed in June 2020)

3.       School name, location, and the teacher from whom you received this information (**use Japan-America Society of Houston)

4.       Parent name (first and last) and occupation

5.       Email address: this will be how we communicate course information, including the Zoom link

6.       Phone number: only used as a secondary means of contact for your registration


Confirmation of registration will be acknowledged by email.

Acceptance is first come, first served, and class size is limited. Japan Society also reserves the right to cancel any course if sufficient enrollment is not obtained.

If you need to withdraw, please let us know. There may be other students wishing to take your place in the class.                                

For more information, please email us at language@japansociety.org, or call at (212) 715-1269 or (212) 715-1293.

JBAH Donates $50,000 to Houston’s and Harris County’s COVID-19 Relief Efforts

Image provided by Mayor’s Office of Trade and International Affairs

Image provided by Mayor’s Office of Trade and International Affairs

The Japan Business Association of Houston (JBAH) and the JBAH Foundation, through contributions from their constituent companies and individual members, made a $50,000 donation to the Houston community last week. This included a $25,000 donation to the Greater Houston COVID-19 Recovery Fund and a separate $25,000 donation to the Harris Health COVID-19 Response Fund.

As was noted by the Mayor’s Office of Trade and International Affairs: “Around 5,000 people living in Houston metro area are of Japanese origin. Japan is Houston's 8th largest trading partner, with trade increasing to more than $9.5 billion in 2018, a record high.”

Japanese companies have played an important role in the Houston economy, and much gratitude is owed to the JBAH for their support of Houston and Harris County during these challenging times.

For the JBAH’s official press release regarding the donation, click the button below:

National Association of Japan-America Societies Webinar Series

NAJAS logo-highres-withspace.jpg

The National Association of Japan-America Societies (NAJAS) has launched a webinar series to provide insight into current affairs of importance to the Japan-America relationship.

The first webinar features Ambassador David Shear, NAJAS Chairman, providing an overview of the diplomatic challenges the US is facing in Asia.

The second webinar features Kiyoaki Aburaki, Managing Director of BowerGroupAsia in Tokyo, sharing information on the current economic situation in Japan and the impact of the coronavirus.

The third webinar features Ambassador Kenichiro and Nobuko Sasae discussing their current work and perspectives on the bilateral relationship.

About the Speakers:

Ambassador Shear.jpg

David Shear previously served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Asian and Pacific Security Affairs from 2014 to 2016, when he performed the duties of Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.

Prior to 2014, Ambassador Shear served for 32 years in the US Foreign Service, most recently as the US Ambassador to Vietnam. He has also served in Sapporo, Beijing, Tokyo, and Kuala Lumpur. In Washington, Ambassador Shear has served in the Offices of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean Affairs and as the Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs. He was Director of the Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs in 2008-2009 and served as Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs in 2009-2011.

Ambassador Shear was a Rusk Fellow at Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy from 1998-1999. He is the recipient of the State Department’s Superior Honor Award and the Defense Department’s Civilian Meritorious Service Award for his work in US-Japan defense relations.

Ambassador Shear graduated from Earlham College and has a master’s degree in International Affairs from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies. He has attended Waseda University, Tai-wan National University, and Nanjing University, and he speaks Chinese and Japanese.

Picture and Biography by McLarty Associates


Mr. Kiyoaki Aburaki joined BowerGroupAsia (BGA) following a distinguished career at Keidanren, where he most recently headed up the federation’s international engagement. He covered international trade and investment, the defense and aerospace industries, information technology, entrepreneurship, deregulation, and data privacy policy. He also played a leading role in developing and implementing Keidanren’s political strategies.

Beginning in 2013, Mr. Aburaki led Keidanren’s strategic international initiatives and worked closely with former Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda to establish Japan’s Track 1.5 dialogues with the United States and China. The dialogues produced important results by strengthening the U.S.-Japan security and economic alliance and improving Japan’s political relations with China.

From 2010 to 2012, Mr. Aburaki represented Keidanren and its affiliated think tank, the 21st Century Public Policy Institute, in Washington, D.C. Here he played a key role in several projects at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) such as U.S.-Japan defense industrial cooperation and China’s competitiveness and its reliance on the U.S. and Japan.

He is a senior associate of CSIS and a member of Technology and Security Taskforce, an expert group on national economic security. He obtained a Master of Science in political science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Arts in economics from Keio University.

Picture and Biography by BowerGroupAsia


Kenichiro Sasae joined the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs after graduating from The University of Tokyo in 1974. His distinguished and illustrious diplomatic career includes prestigious assignments as Executive Assistant to the Prime Minister, Director-General of the Economic Affairs Bureau, Director-General of the Asian & Oceania Affairs Bureau, and Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs. During his period of service in Tokyo, he represented the Japanese Government in the Six-Party Talks on North Korean issues. He also worked as Political Director for the G-8 Summit. From 2012-2018, he was Ambassador of Japan to the United States. Subsequently, in July 2018, Ambassador Sasae was appointed President of The Japan Institute of International Affairs to head Japan’s premier foreign affairs think tank.

Nobuko Sasae’s work as a high-level conference interpreter has taken her all around the world, most recently to the East Asia Summit in Cambodia, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank Annual Meeting in Tokyo, the Nikkei Future of Asia and the APEC Ministerial Meeting in Japan, the COP 10 meeting in Nagoya, and the World Economic Forum in China, to name only a few. While in D.C. during her husband’s term as Ambassador of Japan to the U.S., Mrs. Sasae founded and moderated The Nobuko Forum, which convened bimonthly to empower young professional women through conversations with accomplished women. She continues the work of The Nobuko Forum in Japan.

JETRO: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on Japanese Companies in the United States


The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) has been conducting surveys of Japanese companies doing business in the United States to examine the impact of COVID-19.

The third survey in the series was conducted between April 28th and April 30th, with approximately 1000 companies responding.

JETRO’s Houston office has produced a video summarizing survey results and exploring the challenges for resuming operations.

As JETRO Houston Chief Executive Director Masahiro Sakurauchi notes:

Japanese companies in the United States currently employee over 880,000 workers. In the manufacturing sector, Japanese companies are the largest foreign investor, with over 400,000 workers. We at JETRO believe to support Japanese companies is to support America. Japanese companies are crucial to business and job growth in the U.S. economy.

For additional COVID-19 related business information in Japanese, please visit the JETRO Worldwide information portal or the JETRO North America information portal.

For inquiries to JETRO Houston, email inqu-hou@jetro.go.jp

Japan’s Response to COVID-19.

National Japan-America Societies (NAJAS) Honorary Chair Glen Fukushima was asked to assess Japan’s response to COVID-19 for the Japan Times.

Image provided by americanprogress.org

Image provided by americanprogress.org

“The lessons learned from the Diamond Princess experience and the scrutiny and criticism that resulted were among the factors that compelled Japanese authorities by March to take stronger measures to contain the spread of the virus in the country. However, several factors led to a delay in taking decisive action, including conducting aggressive and systematic testing for the virus.”

National Veteran’s Network Celebrates the 10th Anniversary of the Passage of the Congressional Gold Medal

Congressional Gold Medal2.jpg

Image provided by National Veterans Network

In celebration of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, the National Veterans Network salutes all Asian Pacific American soldiers and the Japanese American WWII soldiers for their extraordinary services to the United States during World War II.

Japanese Americans have contributed to the American tapestry of our nation for 135 years. The journey started when the first Japanese laborers arrived in Hawaii in 1885 working the sugarcane fields, followed by the arrival of Japanese agricultural laborers on mainland U.S. in 1891. The Japanese "Issei" laid down their roots, started families and integrated, along with other immigrants, to American life. When World War II abruptly disrupted their lives, the Issei along with their American born Nisei children endured and persevered. Despite the discrimination, hardship and uncertainty that the war brought, they rose above the fear and prejudice and ultimately created a legacy we must preserve and pass on to future generations.

Image by National Veterans Network

Image by National Veterans Network

This year, the National Veterans Network celebrates the 10th Anniversary of the passage of the Congressional Gold Medal awarded to the 100th Infantry Battalion, 442nd Regimental Combat Team and Military Intelligence Service. On September 23, 2010, the United States Congress passed S. 1055 in recognition of their dedicated service during World War II. A year later, the United States Congress awarded the medal to the three units at a Ceremony in the U.S. Capitol in Washington DC.

[CANCELED] 2020 Texas State Japanese Language Speech Contest


Over the past month, the Japan-America Society of Houston (JASH), along with the Consulate-General of Japan in Houston, has continued to evaluate the possibility of rescheduling the 2020 Texas State Japanese Language Speech Contest before the end of the school year.
In light of the announcement that Texas schools will be closed for the remainder of the school year owing to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), as well as notification of the cancellation of the Aurora All-U.S.A. High School Japanese Speech Contest, it is with regret that we share a difficult decision has been reached to cancel this year’s event.
This news is certainly disappointing for all involved.  We acknowledge and appreciate the hundreds of students, teachers, parents, mentors and volunteers who have invested time and energy in preparing for the contest, and we share in the sadness caused by the nonfulfillment of your hopes.  
The mission of the Texas State Japanese Language Speech Contest has always been to inspire Japanese language learners at all levels of study, and we continue to be deeply committed to this mission.  Out of desire to see your commitment to Japanese language learning rewarded, we will be sending to all registered contestants the “Participation Prizes” that were to be given to you at the time of on-site registration.
While, at this critical time, our foremost priority must be protecting the health and wellbeing of our contest participants and supporters at this time, we look forward to a time when language learners and advocates can gather together in Texas.
Until then, please stay well as you stay home.


To learn more about the contest, visit jas-hou.org/contest-handbook.

2020 Japan Currents Houston Conference

The 2020 Japan Currents Houston Conference was held on Friday, February 28, at the Petroleum Club of Houston.

Presentations from distinguished guests and industry leaders provided an in-depth look at energy's impact on U.S.-Japan relations.

In Texas, communities, families, businesses, and schools are benefiting from record-breaking oil and gas activity, and Japan has played a large role in this surge as an important energy consumer/importer.

According to Dr. Koyama, Japan has the lowest energy self-sufficiency ranking of any advanced economy at about 9%. This reality has made Japan the world’s 5th largest energy consumer, 3rd largest oil consumer and #1 LNG consumer.

To address Japan’s energy challenges, companies such as Osaka Gas and Sumitomo Corporation are striving to achieve greater diversification of energy resources and increased flexibility of energy supply.

Osaka Gas, through investment in and offtake from Freeport LNG, has contributed to the establishment of one of Japan’s largest LNG supply sources in the U.S.  Commercial operation of Freeport LNG Train-1, along with the start of a 20-year LNG tolling agreement, began in December 2019, positioning the company for robust, stable and economical gas procurement with US gas prices linked.

Sumitomo Corporation of Americas (SCOA) is integrated with US oil and gas production through a unique value chain that derives from a group of enterprises and functions that serve the entire energy industry supply chain - upstream, midstream and down-stream.   Notably, Houston-based SCOA affiliate Pacific Summit Energy has established a dominant presence in the energy trading space.

Investments by Japanese corporations in Texas are undoubtedly contributing to the betterment of society.

A special note of congratulations to our friends at Sumitomo Corporation on their 100th anniversary


  • Laird DORAN

President, Japan-America Society of Houston

Vice President, Government Relations and Senior Counsel, The Friedkin Group


  • Ken KOYAMA, Ph.D.*

    Managing Director, Chief Economist, Strategy Research Unit, The Institute of Energy Economics, Japan (IEEJ)

    Global Energy Security/Sustainability and The Role of US and Japan

[download here]

  • Seijiro TAMADA*

    SVP, Freeport Project, Houston Office, Osaka Gas USA Corporation 

    Osaka Gas Involvement with Freeport LNG Project

[download here]

  • Hiroyuki “Bob” TAKAI*

    SVP & General Manager,  Sumitomo Corporation of Americas, Washington D.C. (SCOA)

    Introduction of Sumitomo Corporation

[download here]

*view bios here


This conference, made possible with support from The Embassy of Japan in Washington D.C. and the National Association of Japan America Societies (NAJAS), provides the Houston-Harris County community with the opportunity to explore impact of U.S-Japan energy partnerships on our area.


2020 Houston Regional Japanese Language Speech Contest

On Saturday, February 22, 2020, Japanese language learners from across the Houston region came together at the University of St. Thomas to compete in the 31st Annual Japanese Language Speech Contest.

Thirty-seven (37) contestants demonstrated their Japanese skills in the areas of (i) POETRY RECITATION, (ii) HAIKU, (iii) FREE SPEECH AURORA, and (iv) FREE SPEECH COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY.

The contest coincided with National Language Advocacy Month, giving all participants the opportunity to join the national “LEAD WITH LANGUAGES” campaign and tell their own stories of Japanese language learning success.

"Otsukaresama" to all participants, and "omedetou gozaimasu" to all winners.

Thank you for your inspiring displays of courage, initiative, diligence and enthusiasm.

Winners are listed below by division.  Those placing in the top two will move on to the TEXAS STATE JAPANESE LANGUAGE SPEECH CONTEST, which will be held on March 28, 2020.


1.       Guoming YUAN – 10th, William P. Clements High School

2.       Sarah VU – 9th, William P. Clements High School

3.       Charlotte LIN – 9th, William P. Clements High School


1.       Hayagreev JAYARAM – 10th, Bellaire High School

2.       Kameron MARTINEZ – 11th, Morton Ranch High School

3.       Olanrewanju OLAOYE – 12th, William P. Clements High School


1.       Nallely SALINAS – 12th, Bellaire High School

2.       Chaerin KIM – 11th, William P. Clements High School

3.       Emily WONG – 12th, William P. Clements High School


1.       Hsinhui LI – Senior, Rice University

2.      Marquita WALKER – Sophomore, Texas A&M University

3.      Lyann KRAMER– Junior, Texas A&M University


Consulate-General of Japan in Houston

Grassroots Exchange Network-Japan (GEN-J)

Japanese Teachers Association of Texas (JTAT)

Hiroko Fukuhara Karch, JTAT Vice President

Diana Speaks, University of St. Thomas



"The program allowed me to build incredible connections, complete a successful research project that has given me insight into many issues, and challenge myself to understand what a leader is and how I can become one." —Participant from Linwood, NJ

The Japan-America Society of Houston is pleased to be partnering with our sister organization in New York – Japan Society – to offer Houston-area high school students with an exciting opportunity to visit Japan in the summer of 2020.

The Junior Fellows Leadership Program is a three-week culturally immersive learning experience for high school students who possess strong leadership skills and demonstrate potential to become future leaders.

During this program conducted in New York and Japan, Junior Fellows have the opportunity to build networks with current industry leaders and program alumni, stay with a host family in the Tokyo metropolitan area as well as Tohoku (northeast Japan), attend a local high school, and experience Japanese history and culture through hands on experiences and historical site visits.


  • MAY 16: Program orientation at Japan Society, New York (long distance Fellows will participate via Skype)

  • JUNE 30— JULY 2: Pre-departure orientation at Japan Society, New York

  • JULY 3—4: Depart for and arrival in Japan

  • JULY 4—19: In-country program

  • JULY 20: Return to the U.S.

*Program contents and dates are subject to change.


  • Meet and learn from industry leaders in business, arts and sciences, nonprofit organizations and government

  • Visit leading companies to learn and compare what they value and look for in building the future

  • Live with a host family and explore local communities in northeast Japan

  • Experience Japanese high school life

  • Carry out an independent project on a global issue

  • Visit significant cultural and historic sites

  • Learn basic Japanese in an immersive setting


U.S. high school students from 9th to 11th grade are eligible to apply.

Junior Fellows will be selected based on demonstrated leadership potential and skills, as well as the qualities necessary to have a successful and engaging experience with other program participants; including (but not limited to): ability to adapt to a foreign culture, emotional and interpersonal maturity, strong academic background and a demonstrated interest in Japan.

Knowledge of Japanese language is helpful, but not required.



Need-based scholarships are available.


  • FEBRUARY 14 (Friday): Application Deadline (postmarked)

  • MARCH: Announcement of 1st selection

  • MARCH 21 (Saturday): Group interviews with finalists (invitation only)

  • APRIL: Final selection and announcement of 2020 Junior Fellow participants