JETRO: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on Japanese Companies in the United States


The Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) has been conducting surveys of Japanese companies doing business in the United States to examine the impact of COVID-19.

The third survey in the series was conducted between April 28th and April 30th, with approximately 1000 companies responding.

JETRO’s Houston office has produced a video summarizing survey results and exploring the challenges for resuming operations.

As JETRO Houston Chief Executive Director Masahiro Sakurauchi notes:

Japanese companies in the United States currently employee over 880,000 workers. In the manufacturing sector, Japanese companies are the largest foreign investor, with over 400,000 workers. We at JETRO believe to support Japanese companies is to support America. Japanese companies are crucial to business and job growth in the U.S. economy.

For additional COVID-19 related business information in Japanese, please visit the JETRO Worldwide information portal or the JETRO North America information portal.

For inquiries to JETRO Houston, email