Japanese Language Program
Course Descriptions
Just Getting Started (Pre 101-1)
Students learn:
Basic expressions for:
Communicating with front desk clerks at hotels
Communicating with salesclerks
Communicating with taxi drivers, bus drivers, etc.
Buying over-the-counter medication
101-1A & 101-1B | Japanese for Busy People Vol 1 (4th Ed.) | Lessons 1-3
Students learn:
Japanese Phonetic Symbols: Master the basics of Hiragana
Greeting and Self-Introduction Expressions: Acquire common expressions for greetings and self-introductions
Numbers 1 through 10: Learn numbers from 1 to 10
Demonstrative and Interrogative Pronouns: Understand demonstrative pronouns and interrogative pronouns (who, whose, what, what time, how much)
Achieve proficiency in recognizing and using Hiragana
Gain insight into Japanese culture
Comprehend the distinctions between Japanese and English syntax
101-2 | Japanese for Busy People Vol 1 (4th Ed.) | Lessons 4-7
Students learn:
Japanese Loan Words: Learn Katakana symbols used for loan words
Large Numbers: Understand numbers greater than 10
Counters: Familiarize yourself with counters for solid items, floppy items, and rod-like or cylindrical items
Interrogative Pronouns: Grasp interrogative pronouns such as "how much," "where," "when," and "with whom"
Verbs of Movement: Learn verbs for "go," "come," and "return"
Vocabulary for Destinations: Expand your vocabulary related to destinations
Particles に: Understand the use of the particle に for direction and time reference
Japanese Currency: Familiarize yourself with Japanese currency
Days of the Week and Month: Learn the days of the week and days of the month
Able to recognize Katakana symbols proficiently
Can identify and understand vocabulary related to transportation and destinations
Capable of communicating effectively with salesclerks
Can recognize and understand the prices of merchandise
Destination Arrival Inquiries
103 | Japanese for Busy People Vol 1 (4th Ed.) | Lessons 12-16
Students learn:
The verbs for giving and receiving
Describing locations of things and people
Words for positions, things near a station, office supplies, etc.
The expressions for:
Inviting someone
Making suggestions
Offering to help someone
o Can ask and describe things’ characteristics in adjectives with appropriate conjugation
Can recognize basic vocabulary
Words for gifts
Places for rendezvous spots
Verbs for offering to do something
Develop conversation skills for the following situation:
Being Invited to a friend's house and commenting about the food served.
Talking about birthday gifts
Talking about the weather
Inviting someone to an event and scheduling for meeting
Accepting an invitation or refusing an invitation
Offering to help someone
204 | Minna no Nihongo Vol 1 | Chapters 23-25
Students who have finished Minna no Nihongo Vol. 1 Chapter 22 or at the equivalent level learn:
Temporal clause とき
Giving and Receiving benefits
Conditional Form たら & と
Expressing to present contrasting conditions ~ても
301 | Minna no Nihongo Vol 2 | Chapters 26-30
Students who have finished Minna no Nihongo Vol. 1 or at the equivalent level learn:
Express explanatory mode Plain Form + んです
Giving a suggestion たらいい
Potential Form
Describing simultaneous actions …ながら
Stating multiple reasons …し、…し
Can ask for suggestions politely and can give advice courteously
Can use explanatory mode effectively for smooth and effective oral communication
Can understand and describe possibilities and capabilities using the Japanese potential forms effectively
Can explain reasons using a variety of grammar patterns
304 | Minna no Nihongo Vol 2 | Chapters 35-37
Students who have finished Minna no Nihongo Vol. 2 Chapters 32-34 or at the equivalent level learn:
ば conditional forms for describing hypothetical situations.
Expressing purpose ように
Expressing a change ようになる
Expressing striving toward a certain state ようにする
Passive Voice
Can describe the result of something that might happen (in the present or future) or might have happened but didn't (in the past)
Can express efforts to bring about a desired outcome or prevent an adverse condition
Can convey a sense of damage by the passive voice
Can emphasize the result or the recipient of an action by the passive voice
Can depict objective reality by passive voice when the agents are unknown.
Intermediate 9 | Marugoto Intermediate-1 | Topic 9: Traditional Festivals
Can understand programs about festivals on TV, videos on the internet, social media, etc.
Can talk about ones’ experiences and impressions of festivals
Can understand articles about festivals and events