"The program allowed me to build incredible connections, complete a successful research project that has given me insight into many issues, and challenge myself to understand what a leader is and how I can become one." —Participant from Linwood, NJ

The Japan-America Society of Houston is pleased to be partnering with our sister organization in New York – Japan Society – to offer Houston-area high school students with an exciting opportunity to visit Japan in the summer of 2020.

The Junior Fellows Leadership Program is a three-week culturally immersive learning experience for high school students who possess strong leadership skills and demonstrate potential to become future leaders.

During this program conducted in New York and Japan, Junior Fellows have the opportunity to build networks with current industry leaders and program alumni, stay with a host family in the Tokyo metropolitan area as well as Tohoku (northeast Japan), attend a local high school, and experience Japanese history and culture through hands on experiences and historical site visits.


  • MAY 16: Program orientation at Japan Society, New York (long distance Fellows will participate via Skype)

  • JUNE 30— JULY 2: Pre-departure orientation at Japan Society, New York

  • JULY 3—4: Depart for and arrival in Japan

  • JULY 4—19: In-country program

  • JULY 20: Return to the U.S.

*Program contents and dates are subject to change.


  • Meet and learn from industry leaders in business, arts and sciences, nonprofit organizations and government

  • Visit leading companies to learn and compare what they value and look for in building the future

  • Live with a host family and explore local communities in northeast Japan

  • Experience Japanese high school life

  • Carry out an independent project on a global issue

  • Visit significant cultural and historic sites

  • Learn basic Japanese in an immersive setting


U.S. high school students from 9th to 11th grade are eligible to apply.

Junior Fellows will be selected based on demonstrated leadership potential and skills, as well as the qualities necessary to have a successful and engaging experience with other program participants; including (but not limited to): ability to adapt to a foreign culture, emotional and interpersonal maturity, strong academic background and a demonstrated interest in Japan.

Knowledge of Japanese language is helpful, but not required.



Need-based scholarships are available.


  • FEBRUARY 14 (Friday): Application Deadline (postmarked)

  • MARCH: Announcement of 1st selection

  • MARCH 21 (Saturday): Group interviews with finalists (invitation only)

  • APRIL: Final selection and announcement of 2020 Junior Fellow participants