2023 Japanese Language Scholarship from JLSF

Japanese Language Scholarship Foundation (JLSF) is now accepting applications for the 2023 Japanese Language Scholarship. Up to two (2) awardees will receive a $5,000 to carry out a project of their choosing in Japan.

Applicants are encouraged to propose projects that they would like to implement but have been kept from pursuing due to lack of funding. Projects must be shown to enhance the awardee's educational goals.

Following the conclusion of the project, scholarship awardees will be required to submit reports to the JLSF about their experiences in Japan.

Open to U.S. citizens and citizens of other countries teaching Japanese in the United States.

Learn more by clicking the buttons below.


  • Applicants must fulfill ONE of the following three requirements:

    • Be an in-service Japanese language teacher in any school level in the US;

    • Be a graduate student studying Japanese language education who is committed to working in Japanese language and/or Japanese language/culture-related studies in the US; or

    • Be a pre-service Japanese language teacher currently studying to obtain a teaching credential for teaching Japanese in the US.

  • Applicants must also:

    • Be available for an oral interview in person or by phone;

    • Write and submit a report on the project accomplished in Japan; and

    • Be able to attend the award ceremony to be held in Los Angeles, CA on Saturday, January 20, 2024.

      • (Limited travel expenses and accommodations for this ceremony may be covered by JLSF as needed)


  • Completed application form;

  • Current resume/biography;

  • Photograph of applicant (optional); and

  • A letter, typed, double-spaced and no longer than three (3) pages that describes the potential scholarship recipient and proposed project.

The letter should include the applicant's background, goals, current activities, commitment to Japanese language education and Japan studies related to language, a detailed description of their proposed activity in Japan, and a proposed budget (including airfare between the U.S. and Japan).

Applicants should be able to justify their field in Japan Studies related to language. For instance, applicants can be students in Japanese literature focusing on language studies, sociology studying language education, or history studying Japanese for their research.

Entries, including photographs, will not be critiqued or returned. From the time of submission, all entries become properties of the JLSF.


  • All applications must be e-mailed on or before Friday, September 15, 2023.

  • Send all required materials as attachments to scholarship@jlsf-aurora.org

  • Subject line: JLSF Scholarship Application Submission

    • PDF, JPG, DOC files preferred.

Up to two (2) winners will be selected, depending on application volume and quality.

Selection will be announced by Sunday, October 15, 2023.

JLSF was established in 1998 (and its guidelines revised in 2013) to encourage teachers of the Japanese language and students in Japanese language studies in their educational and/or professional development as well as to promote cultural exchanges.