2023 Oshogatsu Japanese New Year Celebration

On Saturday, January 7, JASH celebrated “Oshogatsu” at a special New Year’s edition of JAPAN JUNCTION at Levy Park.

During the event, hundreds of park visitors enjoyed a variety of Japanese activities including origami and crafts, traditional New Year’s games, and performances.

Starting the festivities from the stage was the energetic Kaminari Taiko performing group, followed by the melodious Reiko Obata on the koto. Visitors were also treated to a kamishibai telling of “How the Years were Named” in the Japanese tradition and a kendama demonstration by Michael Martin.

Throughout the event, JASH volunteers engaged visitors in the traditional games of fukuwarai, daruma otoshi, hagoita, and ton ton sumo. Other booths allowed visitors to claim an omikuji fortune, pound mochi, create a nengajo New Year card, paint a daruma doll and practice shodo calligraphy. Booths featuring Japanese sweets and clothing were also available for the attendees to shop.

Click on the link below to read the Houston Chronicle’s article covering the event.

Images provided courtesy of Levy Park