JASH Awarded Inaugural BANF Grant

On January 26, BIPOC Arts Network and Fund (BANF) publicly announced its first 120 grantees. 

JASH is proud to be among the recipients of the inaugural round of BANF funding. BANF was made possible by the Ford Foundation's America's Cultural Treasures initiative, which in September 2020 committed an unprecedented $156 million to support BIPOC arts communities across the country in response to the devastating economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. BANF is also supported by Houston Endowment, The Brown Foundation, Inc., The Cullen Foundation, Kinder Foundation and The Powell Foundation.

BANF was publicly announced Sept. 21, 2021 as an initiative created to provide resources and networks that will support Greater Houston's BIPOC arts communities in fully displaying their power, values and traditions. This is achieved through grant funding, advocacy, and community-building networking initiatives.

There are vital connections between communities of color and our unique art and cultural expressions that celebrate our histories, acknowledge our perseverance and project a productive future. When there is an investment in us, there is an investment in our cultural communities…”

-BANF grantee Michelle Barnes
Co-Founder and Executive Director of Community Artists' Collective.

61 grantees are 501(c)(3) organizations, and 59 grantees are artist collectives. 

JASH looks forward to working together with our fellow BANF grantees to highlight the vibrancy of Greater Houston’s BIPOC arts community.