March 11, 2021 will mark the tenth anniversary of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, and the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan. To commemorate the triple disaster, memorial services, online talks and artistic initiatives are taking place in Japan, in the U.S. and all around the world. View some of the offerings below:
MAR 5 | Japan America Society of Chicago Presents: The Memorial Crane Project: Honoring the Victims of COVID-19
MAR 6, 7, 11, 12-26 | Japan Society & PlayCo Present: Ludic Proxy: Fukushima
MAR 8 | Japan Society of Northern California Presents: Innovation Salon | How Japan and the US are using technology to better address natural disasters
MAR 8 | Embassy of Japan & JICC Present: Lessons from Japan's 3.11 Triple Disasters with Dr. Daniel Aldrich
MAR 9 | Japan Society Presents: Resiliency & Recovery: A U.S.-Japan Dialogue Ten Years after 3.11
MAR 10 | U.S.-Japan Council Presents: Remembering March 11, 2011: Looking Back, Looking Forward
MAR 11 | Japan America Society of Chicago Presents: Kizuna 10: Inochi
MAR 16 | Japan-America Society of Dallas/Fort Worth Presents: JASDFW 3/11 Resilience Series: A Resurgent Region – Tohoku’s Recovery Since 2011
MAR 17 | Japan America Society of Southern California Presents: [JAPAN CURRENTS] Fukushima 10 Years Later: How Decades of Friendship and Cooperation Lead to the Success of Operation Tomodachi