2020 Fellowship in Japan for Social Studies Teachers


Keizai Koho Center (KKC), in cooperation with the National Association of Japan-America Societies (NAJAS), will be hosting the KKC Study Tour to Japan 2020 for U.S. and Canadian social studies teachers from June 22-June 30, 2020 (tentative).

The 8-day study program is designed to allow educators to learn first hand about contemporary Japanese society and to enhance their classroom teaching of global perspectives.  Highlights of the fellowship include visits to Japanese schools, major companies, and industrial facilities.  In addition, sightseeing excursions are planned to provide fellows with memorable cultural experiences.

KKC provides round trip air transportation from participants' home city to Japan, as well as accommodations, ground transportation and meals associated with the program.

Click here to download the program brochure.


 To be eligible, applicants must: 

  • Have skills and experience in developing curriculum and a strong interest in Japan;

  • Have never lived in Japan nor visited Japan on a similar study tour; and

  • Be middle or high school classroom teachers of Economics, Social Studies, Geography or History (grades 6-12).


  • To participate in the Study Tour, applicants are required to agree to:

  • Make a presentation and contribute to discussions at a symposium organized as part of the program.

  • Submit a lesson plan on Japan for their own classroom to KKC by Oct. 31, 2020.

  • Submit a final report to KKC by January 10, 2021, which describes how experiences and findings on the tour are used in the classroom and other occasions. Relevant copies of any school newspaper/magazine articles are appreciated.

  • Consent that the lesson plans and the final reports become the property of KKC to be posted to its website for use by other school teachers.

  • Understand that the demands of the itinerary are such that only individuals physically able to travel without special assistance should consider the participation, special diets cannot be provided and a smoke-free environment cannot be assured.

  • Understand there will be no provisions for spouses to accompany fellows due to the nature of the program and logistical requirements.


  • Resume: A of list your current academic position, educational achievements, and professional activities. Provide details regarding previous curriculum and/or staff development experiences.

  • Project Proposal: A 1-2 page narrative describing your interest in Japan and plan to use the program to develop specific curriculum materials and/or educational activities on Japan. Quality and originality are key elements in the selection process. Please provide a timeline of the project-related activities to be scheduled from September 2020 - June 2021. You are encouraged to disseminate information to audiences beyond individual schools such as district-wide teacher resource centers, community or professional organizations. Local Japan-America Societies may be of assistance for community-wide dissemination efforts (www.us-japan.org).

  • Letter of Employment: A letter from your employer, which attests to your full time professional status for the 2020-2021 school year.

  • Letters of Recommendation: Two letters to support for applicants’ participation in the tour from administrators and/or key individuals. Letters may be mailed separately to the JASP.


Applications are being accepted on-line through January 15, 2019.

For details, please click on the link below.



The Keizai Koho Center (KKC) is the independent, nonprofit organization affiliated with Nippon Keidanren (Japan Business Federation). Its mission has been to promote a better understanding of Japan's economy and society, both in Japan and abroad through a variety of publications, programs, fellowships and exchanges.

The  National Association of Japan-America Societies, Inc. (NAJAS) is a private, non-profit, non-partisan organization that offers educational, cultural and business programs about Japan and U.S.-Japan relations to the general public through its member Japan and Japan-America Societies. NAJAS is the only national non-profit network in the United States dedicated to public education about Japan. NAJAS consists of approximately 40 independent Japan-related organizations located in 32 cities around the country. Its membership cuts across usual group boundaries (business, political, academic, American, Japanese, etc.) and affords a variety of perspectives on U.S.-Japan relations.