About the Presenters:

Dr. Kazuto Suzuki

Professor of Science and Technology Policy at the Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo; Senior Fellow of the Asia Pacific Initiative (API)

Dr. Kazuto Suzuki is professor of science and technology policy at the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of Tokyo and senior fellow of the Asia Pacific Initiative (API), an independent policy think tank. He worked at the Fondation pour la recherche stratégique in Paris as assistant researcher and as associate professor at the University of Tsukuba from 2000 to 2008 and served as professor of international politics at Hokkaido University until 2020. He served as an expert on the Panel of Experts for the Iranian Sanctions Committee of the United Nations Security Council from 2013 to July 2015. He currently serves as president of the Japan Association of International Security and Trade.

Mr. David Steven Jacoby

Adjunct Professor of Operations Management at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering; Senior Fellow at Boston University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy; President of Boston Strategies International

David Steven Jacoby teaches Operations Management and Supply Chain Management at New York University’s Tandon School of Engineering, a Senior Fellow at Boston University’s Institute for Sustainable Energy, and a former adjunct professor at Boston University’s Questrom Graduate School of Business. He wrote Guide to Supply Chain Management for The Economist, Reinventing the Energy Value Chain for PennWell Books, and four other books. He earned his MBA and a Masters of Arts from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and his academic and professional contributions to the field of supply chain management span hundreds of publications and media events. He holds supply chain certifications including C.P.M. CTL, CIRM, CFPM, CSCP, and AEE.

He is also the President of Boston Strategies International, a consultancy dedicated to helping Global 1000 companies build high-performing, carbon-neutral supply chains through digitalization, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles, and renewable fuels. He also founded BSI Energy, a SaaS solution provider that helps companies accelerate their transition to clean energy via a series of best practice analytical templates and digital tools. David also serves as an advisory board member of New York Energy Week and a Chief Judge at the International Supply Chain Educational Association. Previously he held international roles at Kearney and Oliver Wyman in the United States, France, Brazil, Hong Kong, and elsewhere.

David is passionate about building businesses that transform global supply chains. Based on extensive management experience in energy, automotive, transport, and retail in more than 50 countries managing and advising executive leadership teams, he has deep and practical first-hand knowledge of what’s on the other end of your international supply chain.