Happy Year of the Tiger!

As we continue to face the impacts and unpredictability of the pandemic, we head into 2022 with with fresh hope, strengthened resolve and tiger-like zeal.

New endeavors lie ahead for JASH. A series of regular family-focused programs will be launched in partnership with Levy Park. JASH’s Japanese Language Program will be expanded to include new summer intensive courses. Furthermore, JASH will undertake featuring internationally known Oki Dub Ainu Band on the Miller Outdoor Theatre stage.

It is our hope that the success of our ambitious new undertakings will be a sign of things to come for all of our areas of concern.

With the eye of the tiger, we set our sights on the good things to come and wish you a healthy and prosperous new year.

Japan-America Society of Houston (JASH)



JASHの新たな取り組みとして、 Levy Parkとパートナーシップを結び、定期的な家族向けプログラムを開始いたします。 また、JASHの日本語プログラムには夏期集中コースが加わり、さらに充実したものになります。 そして国際的に有名なOki Dub Ainu Bandの公演をMiller Outdoor Theatreで行う予定です。




ヒューストン日米協会 (JASH)

**Special thanks go to Seishun 18 Leader Alisa Noro for creating gate Tora (寅) or tiger kanji character used in the JASH nengajyo (年賀状) or new year greeting card.