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JASH & Levy Park Present: Japan Junction

  • Levy Park Event Pavilion 3801 Eastside Street Houston, TX, 77098 United States (map)

Experience the wonder of Japan in Levy Park on the first Wednesday of every month with JASH at Japan Junction. Kids of all ages will enjoy expanding their cultural horizons through kamishibai “paper drama” storytelling and fun crafts that highlight Japanese traditions from origami to woodblock print making and more!

ヒューストン日米協会(JASH)は、毎月第1水曜日にLevy Parkで日本の素晴らしさを体験できるイベント“Japan Junction”を開催します。日本の昔話を紙芝居で紹介し、そして折り紙から木版画まで様々な日本の伝統文化を感じられるクラフト作りを通して、子供たちが楽しみながら文化的な視野を広げる機会を提供します。

February 5: “Why do We Throw Beans on Setsubun?” and Oni Bean Toss Game

Setsubun is a festival marking the end of winter and the beginning of spring in Japan. It is observed annually around the first of February, at home, in schools, or at shrines throughout Japan.

Join us for a kamishibai reading of “Naze Setsubun ni Mame wo Makuno?” or "Why do We Throw Beans on Setsubun?” to discover why the Japanese people celebrate the coming of spring in a unique way.

Following the kamishibai presentation, make your own Oni bean toss game and learn how Japanese families wish for good luck through mame-maki or bean throwing.  “Oni wa soto! Fuku wa uchi!  Out with the Oni, and in with good fortune!”

2月5日: 紙芝居「なぜ、せつぶんに豆をまくの?」鬼退治あそび工作

 「鬼は外! 福は内!」一緒に節分をお祝いしましょう!


Earlier Event: January 25
[UPDATE] Japanese Garden Cleanup