Courtesy of Abe Global 2022
Across the world, societies are struggling to design sustainable policies for their aging populations. In much of the developed world, an increasing share of the population is over 60. In Japan, which has long been viewed as the pioneer “super-aging” society, nearly 30% of the population is now over 65. Individuals are living much longer lives due to improvements in nutrition and health care, while evolving lifestyles and shifting socio-economic conditions have kept birth rates at historic lows. The combination has produced a crisis in the social welfare systems which provide financial and care support for older citizens. The result has been increased unpaid labor for careers, elder work-force participation, and healthcare spending.
Five distinguished members of the Abe Fellowship Program from the US and Japan will discuss the multi-faceted issues surrounding Japan’s “super-aging” society, share relevant stories from their research, and discuss potential solutions for developing sustainable policies in order to support the standing social welfare system.
This webinar is free with registration. Click the button below to register:
About the Speakers:
Panelist: Angelina Chin, 2018 Abe Fellow | Associate Professor of History, Pomona College
Panelist: Joseph Coleman, 2009 AFJ Fellow, 2011 Abe Fellow | Roy W. Howard Professor of Practice in Journalism, Indiana University
Panelist: Jason Danely, 2017 Abe Fellow | Chair of the Healthy Ageing & Care Research Innovation and Knowledge Exchange Network, Oxford Brookes University
Panelist: Atsushi Miyawaki, 2019 Abe Fellow | Assistant Professor of Public Health, University of Tokyo
Chair: Mary Brinton, 1994 Abe Fellow | Director, Reischauer Institute of Japanese Studies; Professor of Sociology, Harvard University
About Abe Global:
Abe Global is an initiative of the Abe Fellowship Program. The Abe Fellowship Program is a partnership between the Social Science Research Council and the Japan Foundation Center for Global Partnership. This event is held with the Reischauer Institute of Japan Studies, the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, and the Oxford Brookes Healthy Ageing and Care Network.
Abe Global 2022 is held in partnership with the Reischauer Institute of Japan Studies, the Harvard Center for Population and Development Studies, and the Oxford Brookes Healthy Ageing and Care Network.