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Shinzō Abe entered politics burdened by high expectations: that he would change Japan. In 2007, seemingly overwhelmed, he resigned after only a year as prime minister. Yet, following five years of reinvention, he masterfully regained the premiership in 2012, and for nearly eight years dominated Japanese democracy as no one before.
The Iconoclast tells the story of Abe’s meteoric rise and stunning fall, his remarkable comeback, and his unlikely emergence as a global statesman laying the groundwork for Japan’s survival in a turbulent century. Abe has inspired fierce loyalty among his followers, sidelining rivals with his ambitious economic program and support for the security and armed forces. He staked a leadership role for Japan in a region being rapidly transformed by the rise of China and India, while carefully preserving an ironclad relationship with Trump’s America.
Join author and veteran Japanese politics watcher Tobias Harris for a discussion of Abe’s legacy and where Japan goes next as a new Japanese prime minister grapples with the achievements and unfinished business of Japan’s longest-serving prime minister.
新著「The Iconoclast: Shinzo Abe and the New Japan」の著者Tobias Harris氏を招き、歴在首相のなかで最長の連続在任期間をもつ政治家安倍晋三氏の業績や世界に与えた影響、そして今後の日本についてお話し頂きます。
Tobias Harris氏は、現在政治リスクコンサルタント会社「Teneo」副社長であり、2014年から2020年まで笹川平和財団米国の研究員として日本政治経済や世論調査の分析を行っています。
About the Author:
Tobias S. Harris is a Senior Vice President of the advisory firm Teneo, covering Japan and East Asia. Since working for a Japanese legislator in 2006-2007, he has run the blog Observing Japan, commented on Japanese politics for major publications and on television and radio programmes; and conducted graduate research at MIT and the University of Tokyo. From 2014-2020, he was a research fellow at the Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA, where he studied Japan’s political economy and analysed public opinion polls.
This event is presented in partnership with World Affairs Council of Greater Houston.