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SCI Presents: U.S.-Japan Sister Cities Bell Ringing: 75 Years of Peace Since Hiroshima & Nagasaki

Stock image of the Hiroshima Peace Bell

Stock image of the Hiroshima Peace Bell

Today, we join the world in marking 75 years since the first time nuclear weapons were used in war. The target was the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The city of Nagasaki was hit a few days later.

As we remember the 140,000 lives lost and the many survivors who still suffer from aftereffects, our hope for world peace grows stronger.

It is in the name of peace that we encourage you to join a special bell ringing.

The Japan Committee of Sister Cities International (SCI) has announced plans to hold an international bell ringing commemoration of the 75th anniversary of peace between the United States of America and Japan since the dropping of the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

In the true people-to-people spirit of citizen diplomacy, local communities and individuals across the United States and Japan are asked to mark this solemn occasion by ringing bells for 45 seconds.

The first event will occur in Japan on Thursday, August 6 at 8:15 AM, the exact moment the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and the second event will occur on Sunday, August 9 at 11:02 AM, the exact moment the atomic bomb was dropped on Nagasaki. Simultaneous events will occur in the United States on August 5 and August 8 respectively. Communities and individuals can choose to participate in either or both of the events. Please see below for a listing of the respective U.S. time zones:

  • August 5 at 6:15PM CDT / August 8 at 9:02 PM CDT

  • August 5 at 4:15 PM PDT / August 8 at 7:02 PM PDT

  • August 5 at 5:15pm MDT / August 8 at 8:02PM MDT

  • August 5 at 7:15 PM EDT / August 8 at 10:02 PM EDT


How can I participate?

You can join this special moment of remembrance by ringing your own bells—hand bell, cow bell or jingle bell, whatever type of bell you may have.

Video yourself ringing the bells while noting : “I am ringing this bell for peace for all.” Post to social media with the hashtag #USJapanbells and tag JASH.

We will then share all the videos with program organizer.