

Since 1968, the Japan-America Society of Houston (JASH) has operated as the only organization dedicated entirely to fostering relationships between Japanese and American members of the Houston community.

To celebrate our 51st Anniversary, JASH will be hosting a gala and silent auction on Friday, October 4, 2019 at Silver Street Studios.

At the gala, JASH will present the J. Thomas Schieffer Leadership Award to the Governor of Texas, The Honorable Greg Abbott, in view of the exemplary efforts of the State of Texas to create an environment supportive of U.S.-Japan business collaboration and the important investments being made in Texas by Japanese corporations.

JASH also will present Nobuhiko Sasaki, Chairman and CEO of Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), with the Houston-Japan Friendship Award for its 50-year commitment to the strengthening of the Texas-Japan friendship through the cultivation of the economic pillar of the U.S.-Japan alliance.

Learn how you can support the JASH 51ST ANNIVERSARY GALA, and the education, business and cultural initiatives that it makes possible, by clicking on the buttons below.


この度、皆様の長年に亘るご支援とご協力により、当協会は50周年を迎えることが出来ました。この記念すべき年を皆様と一緒にお祝いさせて頂きたく、Galaとサイレントオークションを、10月4日(土)Silver Street Studiosで開催致します。

今回のGalaでは、第1回J. Thomas Schieffer Leadership Award (トマス・シーファーリーダーシップ賞)が、前駐米日本大使の佐々江賢一郎氏信子夫人に、さらに第1回Houston – Japan Friendship Award (ヒューストン-日本友好賞)が、著名なビジネスマンであり、市民リーダーであるMarc Watts氏(The Friedkin Group CEO、Greater Houston Partnership 会長)に授与されます。

